
Frequency of Publication:

Bi Annual Peer Reviewed Research Journal, Publication issues-April & November.


  • Submission of articles, research papers and case studies shall be through email to Chief Editor at
  • No correspondence is possible for articles not selected for publication.
  • Status of Manuscript
  • Acceptance or rejection of a paper after assessment by both referees and editorial team will be communicated to the communicating author.
  • Accepted manuscripts will be published in the journal and authors will receive one copy of journal; additional copies if required may be send on payment of the additional cost.
  • All manuscripts are subject to double blind peer review process. Decision of publication would be finally of editors and review board.
  • Only original research work is welcome. Copyright form is mandatory to be submitted by the authors.
  • The paper must be in APA format in the following order:
    o Abstract with keywords (Max. 300 words)
    o Introduction
    o Literature Review
    o Research Methodology and Research Design
    o Analysis/ Discussions
    o Finding/ Conclusion
    o Annexure
        References (APA reference styling)
        Tables and Graph (If Any)
        Analytical Master Charts (If Any)
    Article should generally be no more than 9,500 words in length (Including footnotes and bibliography).

Typing Instructions:

  • Font Type – Times New Roman
  • Font Color – Black Only
  • Language – English
  • Font Size – Uniform & Consistent throughout the research paper
  • Chapter Heading – 16 (Bold)
  • Titles – 14 (Bold)
  • Normal Text – 12 (Regular)
  • Line Spacing – 1 (Regular)
  • Graphical Presentation – Color / Black & White
  • Reference Number – Each and every Table / Exhibit / Figure must be assigned its reference number. E.g. – Table 1.1, Fig 1.1, etc.

Submission & Acceptance of Papers:

  • All papers to be submitted in above given format to the editor in chief/ members of the editorial board.
  • Submitted papers will go through double blind review and plagiarism test before approval for publication.
  • Acceptance will be issued within two weeks of submission of article positively.
  • Journal will be published twice a year i.e. in the month of June and December.
  • Authors can download their copy from the website directly.

Publication Cost:

Subodh Journal of Social Science & Humanities is a non-profit making journal published by S.S. Jain Subodh P.G. (Autonomous) College, Jaipur. A nominal publication cost will be charged from the author as mentioned below. The author will have to take out the print from online version at his/ her own cost.
Manuscript upto 6 (six) pages: INR 600.00
Manuscript with 7 or more pages: INR 1000.00